What are MooBeanz?

A collection on the Avalanche blockchain by artist Candice Jarrett launched as part of metapep's weekly broacast #MicroMintMonday. With a vibrant and playful style that capitalized on the bean and cow trends of Summer 2023, Candice's collection was later given additional utility with the integration of staking and a non-liquidity rewards token called BEAN.


A Stakeable NFT Collection,
Earning an ERC-20 Token.

MooBeanz allows users to stake their ERC721 NFTs, leveraging the inherent value of these unique digital assets. By staking an ERC721 NFT, users can participate in the platform's staking mechanism and earn BEAN tokens in return. The staking process involves locking the NFT within the MooBeanz smart contract, which then calculates the corresponding BEAN token rewards based on predefined parameters.

The MooBeanz platform utilized ERC-1155 NFTs to enhance the earning potential of users. These specialized NFTs can be acquired through purchase and are designed to amplify the amount of BEAN tokens earned through staking ERC721 NFTs. By upgrading to higher-tier 1155 NFTs, users can increase their staking rewards proportionally.

BEAN token is used for the
gift shop, auctions, and raffles.

BEAN tokens can be used for various purposes, including purchasing NFTs from the metapep bazaar, participating in NFT auctions by placing bids, and acquiring raffle tickets for a chance to win exclusive NFTs. This provides users with a versatile means to engage in NFT transactions, auctions, and opportunities to expand their digital asset collection.

MooBeanz Statistics

MooBeanz NFT's
Staked MooBeanz
BEAN Earned
NFT's Rewarded
cta BG

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