Options for Your Minting Platform

In addition to visually customizing your minting page to fit your brand image, metapep labs will take it a step further with technical enhancements that support your launch strategy. Potential options include but are not limited to:

• Advanced Whitelist/Allowlist Features

• ERC721A/ERC-1155 Supported

• Reveal Functionality

• Accept Any ERC-20 Currency

• Automated Mint Scheduling and Phasing

• Mint Restrictions/Limits


Images, music, audio, and video are all supported.

Yes, any ERC-20 currency supported on the chain can be accepted.

ERC-721 and ERC-1155


Yes, there are extensive options for different whitelist configurations and mint phases.

What's Included

Smart Contract

Smart Contract

List NFT's for sale, buy and make offer functions, accept any ERC-20 token, and much more.

Frontend dApp

Frontend dApp

Front end enabling users to connect with their wallet and purchase NFTs for sale. IPFS universal gataway and image indexing options available.



Make it your own, we add your logo, color scheme, typography, and icons.



Deployment of smart contract and dApp code. Also includes testing, training and support.

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Would you like a custom minting
experience for your collectors?

It's more affordable than you think.