How NFT Raffles Work

One of the key elements of NFT raffles is the token-based entry system. Participants acquire raffle tickets by using not only core tokens such as $ETH, $MATIC, $AVAX, $USDC, etc. but also smaller utility or meme tokens that live on those blockchains such as $EGG, $BEAN, $MONKEEZ $RYU, $MIKE, etc. creating an unprecedented opportunity for crossover collaboration between projects and communities that, by providing this additional utility, enhances value for all projects involved.

The random selection process adds an element of excitement and anticipation, as winners are determined through a fair and unbiased draw. Additionally, the limited availability of tickets and the scarcity of the NFTs being raffled create a sense of exclusivity and desirability within the community.

NFT Raffles and Price Discovery

NFT raffles also contribute to price discovery within the market. The bidding activity and token-based entry system provide insights into the perceived value of NFTs, aiding in determining their market worth. Additionally, the raffle experience creates a sense of community among participants, allowing for networking opportunities and potential collaborations. The shared excitement and anticipation surrounding the raffles foster a sense of camaraderie and strengthen the bond between project creators and their community members.


Raffles foster increased engagement among community members. The thrill of participating in a raffle generates excitement and encourages active involvement, fostering a vibrant and passionate community. Moreover, NFT raffles may attract new collectors to the project, expanding its reach and bringing in fresh perspectives. Many incentive programs are structured to only reward holders at the top, but this approach fosters a much more inclusive community where supporters at all levels have a chance to win. By incorporating a random selection process, projects can ensure fair distribution and give every participant, regardless of their holdings, an equal opportunity to win an NFT.

ERC-20 tokens such as $ETH, $AVAX, $MATIC can be used as well as meme tokens or custom tokens designed specifically for your ecosystem. These do not need to be liquidity tokens for the raffle system to work.

Yes, our NFT raffle system is designed to integrate smoothly with existing community platforms or websites. It will match your current branding and appear as an extension of your existing marketing efforts.

As the community organizer, you have the flexibility to source NFT prizes for the raffles in various ways. You can collaborate with NFT creators, artists, or established collectors to obtain unique NFTs as prizes. Additionally, you can curate NFTs from the broader marketplace to offer a diverse range of prizes that align with your community's interests.

What's Included

Smart Contract

Smart Contract

List NFT's for sale, buy and make offer functions, accept any ERC-20 token, and much more.

Frontend dApp

Frontend dApp

Front end enabling users to connect with their wallet and purchase NFTs for sale. IPFS universal gataway and image indexing options available.



Make it your own, we add your logo, color scheme, typography, and icons.



Deployment of smart contract and dApp code. Also includes testing, training and support.

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